Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Gold Appreciation in Value Brings Good Wealth
Author: laura mayaGold Appreciation in Value Brings Good Wealth
Gold Wealth , A long Term Investment .
About 20 years ago, Leon Richardson wrote 2 articles about the market of Gold. They are “Catch Them Young” and “A Golden Chance”. These 2 articles gave people an insight of the market of Gold, and what we can expect of it. Quoted from his article, Mr Richardson’s main reasons for favoring the idea of investing in Gold is that; Gold is an overdue market for a rise since 1980s .
It is also because, Gold always offers a stored value for investors to hold on to. In “A Golden Chance”, he also gave reasons for the upward trend of Gold; most mines have stopped selling their gold; US and Canada has slowed down production and there are more buyers than sellers in the market.
However, his prediction lasted much longer than what everyone hoped for to appear. It took nearly 15 – 20 years before the Gold market started to really move. Between the 15-20 years, the market remained stagnant. A stagnant market has cause many people to be unsure and is very difficult for anyone to speculate the next cycle. Thus, it has caused many investors to withdraw along the years as well, some has even made losses, due to other factors related to exchange rates mainly, and oil prices were a dull since before 2000.
Even so, now, the Gold market has started to rise at an “over-over-due” rate. Currently, the economy is in a crisis, the US-dollar has fallen drastically, period. And when the banks, such as Lehman brothers, started to collapse, the Government decided to save them by placing trillions of dollars into the economy save it. However, this has caused a great problem, “Inflation”.
This then causes the prices of goods to greatly rise through out the World , and US is the major dollar, it has caused a world-wide inflation phenomenon. However, due to China’s existence, it has helped cushioned the inflation. Having this, the prices of Gold would then definitely go up, as the amount of money in the circulation is definitely more than the amount of Gold suppliers can provide. The more money being put into saving the banks, the higher the prices of Gold would be. And if the economy does recover, the prices of Gold would then remain at the risen point and not go down. Thus, buyers of Gold from 20 years back and have held their Gold till date, or those who have in recent years bought Gold, have definitely gained from this “crisis”.
From this trend, we can see that Gold is indeed a very LONG-term investment. This is due to the fact that Gold prices are not easy rise, as its’ base prices is already quite high for buyers. It would be considered and inelastic luxury good, to many out there. Thus, in-order for one to invest in Gold, one must have a good amount of surplus in income at hand and is willing to place their money in it like a dead-weight. Otherwise, it would be unwise for just about anyone to invest in Gold.
Source :
Disclaimer : The above article is not to serve as an investment tool or guarantee nor promise of guarantee rise of gold price in the future. The reader thus agrees that the author and publisher are not responsible for the rise or fall of gold prices ,nor reader’s business decision relating to the information provided in the articleGold Appreciation in Value Brings Good Wealth
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Article Source: - Gold Appreciation in Value Brings Good Wealth
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I have just recently made a recent trip to Hong Kong. It is a really wonderful place. The city is well developed and is continuing to grow financially stronger and bigger both economic and structural terms. As of October 2007 Hong Kong's stock exchange has been the 6th largest in the world, with around US$3 trillion worth of capitalisation. With the same area of land, about 1100 square km, Hong Kong has a really remarkably accomplished as the leading Financial Center in Asia .
Since many years ago , people believe Hong Kong’s success has been attained due to it’s good Feng Shui and truly some places in Hongkong , the Feng Shui’s Qi is typically been able to contribute good wealth
A good example is the God of Wealth who is known for bring wealth and joy to the world. At Hongkong’s Repulse Bay, the statue of the God of Wealth stands there. Repulse Bay is now one of the most expensive housing areas, with some property prices as high as US$2500 per square feet. Several millionaires, such as , Sir Run Run Shaw ,Mr Li Ka Shing , Mr En Tong Sween own properties and houses around Repulse Bay. It was said that, the statues of the various Gods in the area brought such wealth and prosperity to fellow residents in the area also .
There is a special ritual in which people perform, to gain the blessing of wealth from the statue of the god of wealth. It was said that people should rub his forehead, hands and belt, after which they need to keep it in their pockets to gain such blessings.