Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tablet eReading is but an Experience Of Enjoyment of Digital Media with the Third Screen

People who read e-books on tablets like the iPad and  Kindlefire  are realising that while a ebook  on a  handheld ebook reader , a  Kindle or the iPad  is  immersive, the  tablet  also  offer   distractions that can fragment the reading experience, , or  cause the reader   to stop it in its tracks.

All  kinds of digital media  product or software  like spelling check  , google search , dictionary  , games  ,video streaming , podcast or   e-mail  will  always  lurks behind the e-books  within reach of  the readers   looking up a unknown  word or  fact in the book. ,All this would not  be possible  with  the  reading   of a  Hard copy  book in your hands .

And if a book   is getting boring , readers  can always   take some time  off  to stream a movie offer  by  Netflix or  log in to Facebook App   and start  socializing  with  their friends   with  just few taps away. All that adds up to  move far beyond   just  tablet  ereading ,but an experienceof  enjoyment  of digital media  with the Third Screen

With  millions of consumer who owned a  tablet and had   bought  ebooks on apps from Amazon, Apple , Kobobooks , Sony, Barnes & Noble , most should  have come to a remarkable conclusion ; that is  :

Reading  will  have to  be  Fun  and the experience  of reading  can be enhanced further  to be almost  like  watch  a  interactive 3 D  Virtual   animation movie with  storyline  ,Reader  will  have to learn to accept  the  distraction and loss on the   focus on reading ,but  the  savvies mental mind will need  cope to justify  this loss with interactive  media  interaction provided  by the technology  which  instil a total different reading experience .

Meanwhile  book publishers may have a different opinion    as they  have seen many consumers switch  from  printed hardcopy   books to e-readers , the rise of tablets poses a potential danger: that is the  book buyer will gradually  drift  away from  hardcopy books  and   switch to tablets and  letting movies or the internet occupy their leisure time instead?

As the internet  offers   a myriad of Wikis ,  blogs, forums and social networks that are providing a huge amount of information on a wide range of topics and   contents of all sorts , it  will  foster  a  total  new growing culture  of  readers  who prefers fast indexing or search of information   all through  the internet and logging in for  specific article and information instead  of going to bookstore or library  to search  for books .

The future of books will be bound  tightly affected  by web  browsing  and  web online  searching  rather  than just  general   book reading , a totally new  platform that  will transform    reading evolution with incorporating   digital content   and Multimedia or even virtual 3D rendering graphic and interactive  animation . 

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